faculty members
About us
The SBMU Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center (PSRC) was formed in 2003 in order to expand and develop the frontiers of pharmaceutical sciences, solving problems and responding to challenges at hand in various medicinal and pharmaceutical grounds in the country, training researches in different pharmaceutical aspects, as well as providing interactions with other national and international research centers aiming in promoting medicinal science and technology. The SBMU PSRC is active in pharmaceutics, medicinal chemistry, Material Medical and traditional medicine, pharmacology, toxicology, clinical pharmacy, and new medicinal technology including biomedicine, and Nano-Technology. The High Council of the SBMU PSRC determines the global PSRC policies based on the rules and regulations assigned by the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and medical Education. The Members include the SBMU Chancellor, the SBMU Vice-Chancellor in Research Affairs, the SBMU Vice-Chancellor in Health Affairs, the SBMU PSRC Director, and at least three academic staff members from the PSRC suggested by the SBMU PSRC Director and appointed by the SBMU Chancellor. The SBMU PSRC Research Council, which is formed by the specialists in pharmaceutical sciences is in charge of determining the research priorities of the PSRC, and discusses all proposals offered to the center. Presently, there are more than 40 academic staff and researchers collaborating with the SBMU PSRC. The potential capabilities of the SBMU PSRC including its efficient human resources, collaboration with the specialists in pharmaceutical sciences, interactions with other national and international centers and industry, and accessibility to highly-equipped labs, have all converted the PSRC to a unique research center.
established year
Laboratory Services
1. Cell Culture 2. Animal Studies 3. Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry 4. Pharmaceutics