PhD-By- Research: Student Admission at the SBMU Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center (PSRC) 

Upon the approval of the National Medical Sciences High-Council for Planning in approving the SBMU PSRC (Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center) for training specialized human resources for the 2014-2015 academic years, the SBMU PSRC shall be admitting students at PhD-By-Research level.

The admission processing shall be commenced by the applicants’ visiting the SBMU Website address at, and filling out the related forms, submitting the related documents, and being admitted in necessary academic interviews, following of which the applicants’ ranking shall be performed and announced.

The PhD-By-Research program includes two academic periods as follows: Phase I) In this one-year program period, the admitted students will receive the M Phil (master of Philosophy) which involves the theoretical and research-based practical skills; Phase II) This period includes 3 years of study and research (PhD-By-Research) in which the student will perform some research projects via the skills learned during the M Phil period in line with the priorities of the SBMU PSRC. At the end of the period, the student will defend his/her final dissertation for PhD.  

Professor Hosseini Shirazi, the SBMU PSRC Director has noted that the goal of the center has been to develop and promote applied science in pharmaceutics, training specialized human resources in research for solving national academic problems, and academically fertilizing the SBMU PSRC.